This is my 5th monthly goal check, and once again, the month flew by!!! It was a successful month again, so I will go over everything and then list my goals for Dec 15th - Jan 15th :)
1) continue with my 7 days of inverted method. Check!
2) birthday hair! I want to make my hair look really nice for my birthday :) no heat allowed though! Check!
3) do a 6 month review and check up on my yearly challenges. Check!
Okay, I checked off birthday hair even though I was kind of lazy about it and only put it in a high bun, but it still looked super cute so I think that definitely counts. The inverted method is working great, so I will continue that in the future. I haven't officially measured my hair since October but I can tell that it has definitely grown. Finally, I did my 6 month review and it helped me see how well I'm doing and how far I've come since my haircut.
braid out with a stretched out curl :) |
My goals for this next month will be:
1) Continue Inverted Method Challenge!
2) Try at least 1 new style with hair
3) Make a YouTube page with a video on hair growth tips.
Well, my goals are a little more ambitious for this month. I am officially done with my semester at school, so I will have time on my hands to try out different styles and maybe post a Youtube video. I want to make a YouTube page to accompany this blog and now that I can see visible results, I know people might be interested. The style that I'm thinking of trying is a bantu twist out. I am excited to see how it goes!
Happy Healthy Hair Journey! How is yours going? :)